Cyberpunk Literature is a Science-fiction subgenre that is characterized by counterculture anti-heroes locked in a decaying, dehumanized, and dystopian society that is defined by corporation dominion and high-tech but low-life setting. This research aims to investigate to which extent artificial intelligence is represented within the realm of science literature and whether or not humans and machines are connected to each other and how does technology
affect society. William Gibson’s Neuromancer ‘1984) is the literary work chosen to discuss and analyze this idea, therefore the following work will delve deep into this universe showcasing the multiple perspectives that this dystopian future introduces and how humans
and Artificial Intelligence are both represented in the novel and what conclusions can be drawn from it. The questions that were asked were how humans and artificial intelligence were depicted in Neuromancer and how can technology affect society. The following analysis showed a reversal of roles between humans and artificial intelligence along with a significant negative effect of technology towards human civilization.