Racism began in 1619, when a Portuguese ship appeared on the coast of Virginia with more than 20 black Africans on board. It was the starting point for the spread of one of the greatest tragedies in human history. About 15 to 40 million Africans were deported to work as slaves in the American colonies, where they were subjected to various types of turtles such as: whipping, burning and rape. Later, between the 30s and 60s of the 19th century, the liberation of slaves began due to the emergence of movements calling for the abolition of slavery. Among the most prominent activists: Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Both symbols championed the same issue of "racism", but their ways were different, as each of them has their own way of thinking and struggling. Nonetheless, the two leaders have worked in the same direction to advance black human rights. The objective of this study is to show the main differences and similarities between the two activists and also to show the effect of the two activists on people and civil rights movement.