In this research work, the attempt is to trace the African Americans’ journey towards the presidency of the US, a journey that started from the abyss of slavery to the head of the White House. For almost a century, Afro-Americans have strongly struggled to reach their rights as American citizens.They suffered from racism and segregation ; they were even killed and tortured by white racist groups just because they asked for freedom and equality. Hence, the aim of this dissertation is to try to answer the questions how did the African Americans reach the American presidency? And what are the stages they undertook ? African Americans improved their social and economic standing significantly since the Civil Rights Movement and recent decades have witnessed the expansion of a robust,they got access to higher education, employment and representation in the highest levels of American government.
However, African-Americans had been deprived of their share in the U.S. politics for about half a century. Then by the legal changes that occured from 1965 till 1975, they started not only registering but also qualifying for elective offices. Since then, African-Americans have quickly advanced, and soon began to elect laeders from their own community. They arrived to this level of success by the succession of movements Civil Rights Movement, N.A.A.C.P, S.C.L.C. ,… ; They sufered racism and Reagan,s policy. With the beginning of the new century, they managed to attain high ranking positions including the highest one but the way to the White House was, certainly, not covered with flowers. It had been full of thorns on which millions of innocent Black people were hanged, raped or burned only because they were Black.