Nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) is the most common cancer among head and neck cancers in Algeria. It is multifactorial and is characterized by its very heterogeneous geographical distribution. Its incidence is 3.2 cases per 100,000 estimated by the World Health Organization in 2020.
The purpose of our research is to establish a profile of the clinical, epidemiological and genetic characteristics of nasopharyngeal carcinomas at Mostaganem cancer centre (mazagran). The study was based on a sample of 55 cases of cavum cancer identified at the cancer centre from 2019 to 2021.
The results obtained with the IBM SPSS20 software show a male dominance with 83.6% men and 16.4% women.
The most common histological type is undifferenciated carcinomas of nasophayngeal type (UCNT) with a percentage of 89.9 and a sex ratio of 5.09.
The average age of onset of this disease is [40-59] years, with an average age of 53.5±2.0 years.
The majority of patients in our study received 87.2% and 61.8% chemo and radiotherapy respectively.
Lymphadenopathies are the most common among revealing symptoms (20%).