This study explores the role of fantasy literature in Algerian EFL classrooms, focusing on its communicative and intercultural dimensions. The research adopts a mixed-methods approach, utilizing teachers’ questionnaires in order to understand their perspectives regarding this pedagogical support, in addition to students’ activities and classroom observations as to analyze their different viewpoints and classroom dynamics. The findings highlight how incorporating fantasy literature enhances communication, language skills, and fosters a positive learning environment. Furthermore, the research emphasizes the intercultural dimension of fantasy literature, exposing learners to diverse cultures and promoting acceptance. The captivating nature of fantasy literature sustains students’ interest and potentially improves language proficiency. Practical recommendations are provided for integrating fantasy literature effectively, including pedagogical strategies and materials selection. This research contributes valuable insights for educators and curriculum designers, shedding light on the potential of fantasy literature in promoting communication and intercultural competence among Algerian EFL learners