To determine reference stocks of the hémogramme at the pregnant women before and after
delivery in the region of Mostaganem, our study was accomplished on fourteen gestantes who
introduced evocative clinical signs of anaemic syndrome, thrombotique or contagious, all cases
benefited from an examination of the hémogramme (numeration of hématopoïétiques cells,
calculate indications erythrocytaire, VGM, CCMH, TCMH, measure of the rate of the hemoglobin
and of the hematocrit). Got results revealed that eight cases of anemias were found on fourteen
pregnant women, a gestatethrombopenique, two represent a hyperleucocytose compared with three
normal women. The results of our study showed that a progressive reduction among red blood cells,
rate the haemoglobin, the hématocrite and constants érythrocytaires during the period of pregnancy,
this reduction is corrélée in a hémodilution. They note as as the number of white blood cells,
polynucléairesneutrophiles and lymphocytes respectively were augmented in comparison with the
physiological stadiums, this increase is due to an inflammatory state. Moreover, the number of
thrombocytes is diminished because of a hémodilution. On the contrary, a good feeding played an
important role in the return to normal stocks after delivery.