The main goal of this study is in vitro evaluation of survival for nine local lactic strains isolated from cow's milk: (LbN01, LbN05,09,10,11,12,13,14,15), in the simulated gastric conditions, namely: acidity, gastric juice (pepsin), presence of bile salts 0.5% and test adhesion . A strain of Lactobacillus plantarum is used as a control strain. Resistance test in different pH, indicate the viability of all strains at pH = 5 (survival/24H), while at pH = 1.5 and 3 the resistance lasted at least 6h of incubation. The results of plate counting method on simulated gastric juice medium (1.3% pepsin + pH2.5) and on MRS medium supplemented with 0.5% bile salts; showed a very high survival rates in used lactic strains, and LbN11 was the most strain that have viability rate greater than 100%. Test adhesion showed that most of strains could adhere to epithelial cels