The present study seeks to examine the diglossic situation of Algeria including Tamazight and parents’ attitudes towards the new implementation policy of this new language in Algerian primary schools. It aims to investigate to what extent parents perceive teaching this language to their children although it is officialized by the new constitutional revisions. To be more accurate and objective, this research study is devoted to confirming whether they have positive or negative perspectives about this language itself because attitudes towards a language affect attitudes towards teaching this language. In this prospect, we have chosen the qualitative method to collect as much as data we require to validate/ not validate our hypothesis. Therefore, we have used a questionnaire. We used a questionnaire which was handed out to 36 participants in two different wilayas (Tissemsilt and Boumerdes) to help the researcher build accurate results. The research findings show that most of the Berber parents had positive attitudes towards teaching this language. However, the Arabic parents had negative attitudes towards this issue.