This current study seeks to shed light on the main issues and factors vis-à-vis gender on EFL students’ performance, particularly at the level of EFL master students at Abd Alhamid Ibn Badis University-Mostaganem. The situation, here in Algeria, seems to give so much focus to the learner of English language based on their gender, attitude and motivation towards EFL. Such a problematic requires research design, fundamentally, based on three chapters. The first one is an introductory chapter devoted to provide the reader with a broad description of EFL situation in Algeria under investigation, gender impacts and factors that influence EFL students’ proficiency, in addition to the research questions and hypotheses.
Some key-terms and approaches are also introduced to avoid any misunderstanding, since a number of uncovered aspects are also included. Chapter two is rather reserved to the methodological approach being adopted in this study. Its main focus is on the description of research design and procedures used for both processes, namely data collection and data analysis. Chapter three deals, however, with the analysis and interpretation of the main findings. In this chapter, we attempt at providing new perspectives for EFL learning in hope to promote the EFL teaching methodology for an EFL background, and thus, open the doors for further research in this particular scope of interests.