This research work is an attempt to analyze the implication and the impacts of the use of online learning platforms and web 2.0 technologies in higher education. The sample population is a group from first year students (Master-Applied linguistics) of the English department of Mostaganem/Algeria. We will try to reveal how and to what extent online learning platforms and web 2.0 technologies could enhance successful learning at university level. To reach those objectives, the respondents (first year students Master one) were asked to fill some questionnaires about the main issues. The results revealed that many respondents have relative background knowledge on the use of online learning platforms in learning. They believe that the use of online learning platforms has an important role in education. It will facilitate learners’ access to the outside world and to reinforce learning. Online learning platforms offer an opportunity to master some of the technological device of our generation.
On the basis of the weaknesses noticed this research formulate some recommendations at the end, like the fact of creating and including more and more online learning platforms in education to reinforce it. Finally, this research work is an attempt to improve the development of the use of online learning platforms and web 2.0 technologies in education process.