The fundamental of this study is to present you the rise and fall of Jeremy Corbyn leadership. The ideological roots of labour party in united kingdom. You will able to understand how labour party was began in 19c , then how the first and second government was formed .therefore you will have some information about the chartism movement and Fabian society then who’s James Khier Hardie .this study will help you to know more about Jeremy Corbyn and his political career and how dealt with media and criticisms after his winning in election , you are going to see the most import point talk about in fist
conference speech’s as labour party leader .finally the future of labour party with Jeremy Corbyn, and you will know his plans for government and society for ameliorate the situation of people for good .moreover you understand the relation between him and welfare state , then how he used all his efforts to serve women and to highlight their status in society and the political milieu after it was in the past centuries do not have any rights even in the elections.